I was thinking a lot about this picture for some strange reason... and I started to wonder. I wondered "Why won't I ever party this hard?" In the sence that I haven't partied anywhere near that hard since my time in another land called Colorado is another story completely. For now, let us look closer at this picture.
The smoke is hiding something, there is more to the picture that we cannot easily see. This correlates to life because even though our lives are so Full of every little thing, every little minute of the day, we still cannot see the whole picture of life.
The bars on the windows. They represent our fear. Our fear of the unknown and the dangerous. They show our lack of ability to trust what we do not fully understand.
The Helmet. This says to me that in the face of the unknown we look out for our own protection first. Our methods may be flawed, but when the $]-[|7 hits the fan, at least we gave it our best shot.
The fat dude in the banana hammock. OK, so I just don't know what to say about this. Perhaps he represents our distorted self perception. Perhaps not... perhaps he is the reason we are not supposed to eat the brown acid, and defiantly not the yellow snow...
The fire. All around us is chaos. Our lives are an infinitesimally minute particle in the world around us; but we have so much control over the chaos that directly affects us. Each and every one of us creates our own reality by the choices we make, a million times each day. Consciously or subconsciously we all create our own reality. If we can make the conscious effort to focus on the positive, we will have more positive things to focus on. Like attracts like. What you put in, you get out. What goes around comes around. Say it anyway you like, just make the effort to put the good out, and then enjoy what you get back. Because the other way isn't nearly as much fun - as I'm sure you either:
A: Already know
B: Think you already know
C: Will find out
D: Both "B" and "C"
Anyway, back to our crazy analysis.
The dude's socks. Deep down theres a bit of dork in all of us. Hide it, deny it, whatever - you know its there. As much of a facade (or extreme lack thereof, sometimes) as we put on, deep down, theres the dorky part. Some run from it, some embrace it. Some roll with it. Some deny it. Some dance their dorky asses off, and some get CrUnK and try to sing karaoke. Do whatever it is you do to the fullest. Live each day as if it's your last, because one day....you will be right.
The choice of footwear. This is representitive of our "base", our stability, our roots and our core. Without strong roots, we will topple easily.
K, didn't expect that leval of introspection from a freaky picture. But hey, you play the hand you're delt, and sometimes that means making lemonade out of the lemons.
Meanwhile, back at the batcave...
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