What a Fukitol kinda day. You ever have those days where you wake up sore already, and you just know that today isnt going to be you best day? Well, here's my day.
Wash the Car
Go to Chiropractor (havent been in 2 weeks, due to travel)
Go Fishing
Drink Beer
10am - Wash the Car (still the best thing I did all day)
11:55am - Drive to Chiropractor (Closed for lunch till 2pm)
11:59am - Get Phone Call from work about meeting that has suddenly appeared on schedual @ 2pm -- Must arrive early
1:45pm - At work for conference call with Owners of Company and Other Important Folk,
Have lunch (Pizza, Mtn Dew) with co-workers in celebration of "Co-worker winning prestigious Company Award"
3:30 pm - Drop dog off at Groomers
3:45pm - Arrive at local Mall
4:20 pm - Arrive at local Bar in Mall to await return of Wife from Shopping
5:30 pm - Depart said Bar with wife to retrive Dog from Groomers
5:40pm - Arrive at Groomers
7:12pm - $70 later, Depart Groomers with dog with HORRIBLE haircut. My puppy needs a fade badly. :|
8:15pm - Arrive home, decide to walk to store to get mixer for the vodka
8:17pm - Encounter Police Officer at Gas Station and get warned for being an "Intoxicated Pedestrian"
Intoxicated Pedestrian? Seriously? I walked to my local store not 3 blocks away. I had 3 - 4 beers 3-4 hours ago. And this "Billy-Bad-Ass" of a cop (reminded me of a guy with "Big-Dog Complex". You know, the little dog that thinks he's the $]-[17? The guy at the counter remarked to him how "Everyone wanted to know why the cop was here" and the Highly Esteemed Officer (read, full of himself, pompous and the basic poster child for the stereotyped douche bag cop who got picked on as a kid and joined The Force to get even) actually hooked his fingers in his gun belt, Old-West Style and replied, with a wink to me, "Well, that's good. That's how it should be"
Did I mention he was all of 5'2", and pushing 110 WITH his body-armor? Yea. Like I said, Big Dog Syndrome. He really brought to the forefront how much this state really Fails. I mean, with all the states I have lived in, the state services that my Wife has encountered, in all of our dealings with The Law... in its many shapes and sizes... this state just Fails Hard.
Meanwhile, back at the Batcave, I found out that even though I have lived in this state for 3 years, because I do not have a Drivers License from this state, I will be charged $98 for my Fishing License. I will be obtaining a Drivers License shortly, needless to say. In the mean-time I sit and wrote to you, dear reader.
Thanks for listening to my rant, and I hope you have a better day in Paradice.
Keep on Livin the Dream...
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