Dear reader,
Hey there! It's been a while since I last got to talk with you
We got to go back up to the South Fork Lodge, and it was as awesome as before, and then some. The summer sky is something to be cherished - its truly a magnificent sight. If you haven't been able to get out of town far enough to REALLY see the stars, then I highly recomend doiing so. This trip up, we took "Uncle Mac" and our son Alex up, and good times where had by all. Mac bowled a perfect 300 game on Wii bowling, the first ever up there - and his first too. It was awesome. Beers where had all round, and all was good. It's the first real vacation he's had in WAY TOO LONG and it did wonders for him, I think. Couple beers never hurt anyone ;-)
And the FOOD! OMG, it was great. -=- The Monte Cristo's where awesome, the Itialian sandwich was great, and HOLY WOW the BBQ was... well, excelant doesn't really do it justice. The Rack of ribs covered the plate and then some, with a half a chicken under it. The beans and 3 salads where fresh and homemade, and just full of awesome. Noone left hungry, thats for sure. They definatly give you "Country Sized Portions" - as in it could feed a small family. Per plate.
It was the biggest plate of pure awesome I've had the pleasure of eating in quite some time. Really, really good. My son ate 8 ribs plus his chicken, and salads! The plates reminded me of The Flintstones when the waitress brings the huge rack to the car, and it tips over. Good thing we had 4, to balence it out LOL.
I managed to catch 4 - 5 fish, depending on if you count the one that slipped thru the net. I kept 2, and have them frozen. Since I can't eat fish, I'm saving them for my Dad, with whom I cought my only other fish in my life. <3
Alex loved it at the lodge so much he wants to go up there and work when he is 16! What a sweet job! Granted you work your butt off, but the perks are amazing! The view alone gets me. I'm preaty sure the waitresses had more of a swaying influence on him, however. LOL
Sascha really seemed to enjoy herself - I think she was genuinly happy for a time. I sincerely hope so.
Mojo (her service animal) loved all the other dogs (mostly) but hated being locked up in the cabin at night, but it was for her safty. better that she not become coyote munchies...
The fish where brook trout about 8" - 10" (the 2 that I kept) and it was great. I got one of the keepers just outside the lodge while sitting under the bridge on a log overhanging the water. Theres another spot I noticed from there I want to give a try - just over the little confluence. I'm SURE theres fish hanging out under there.
The other one was from up near Stanley. I was sittin on a rock, drinkin a Coors light and watching the guy accross the river catch a fish every time he tossed his fly int eh river. He couldnt have it out for more then 3 seconds before he was trying to get it back fro the fish that was eating it! Serisoly, I watched him catch liek 5 fish in 5 minutes.
I drank a beer.
i kept casting. They kept eating my worms, hit and run style, but not getting hooked. I was using 8 - 12" Nightcrawlers broke into thirds.
I drank more beer. I lost more worms. Then finally a good solid BITE! he fought and fought, and i let him have more line, and then brought him in, and tired him ut, and brought him in more... and what a beauty he was. As I brought him over to show the family, they decided it was time to leave - they too watched the dude pull 5 fish in 5 minutes.
So, into a bag, and into the cooler buried in ice came fishy. He was cleaned and frozen shortly upon arrival back at the lodge.
Meanwhile, back at the batcave.
Since we got back...
We got a Ab Coaster... I'll report on it after I get it set up... it SEEMS straightforward, but looks can be decieving...
I Seafoamed SH4D0W (The Honda)
For those of you who don't know, SeaFoam is God's Gift to engines. It cleans out ALOT of stuff in your engine, and is highly worth googling, youtubing, and buying at your local nampa or schucks for about 10$.
I didn't get as much smoke as I had hoped, but thats a goiod thing too, I suppose. It was still impressive. I ended up driving it to a nearby deserted parking lot away from hoses to rev it and get it all cleaned out. Didn't particularly want my neighbors choking to death on my smoke, or listening to me rev my engine up...
Sascha just turned 29 yesterday! 364 days of your 20's left... ;-)
We had her party day b4 yesterday, however, since both me and Mac had to work today :( But her sister threw her a party, and that's way cool. Good lookin out ;-)
I am back on Audit 4 nights a week. For those that dont know what that means, it means I get to stay up all night and do math... 10p - 8a -=- These days I count my blessings in being counted among hte employed, and as fortunate to work in such a cool place as I do, and am very thankful that my boss and my coworkers pwn as much as they do. Hampton Inn & Suites FTW!
I'm also doing Computer Repair on the side for local clients in Ada and Canyon County. I am not going to go into a big commercial here...
I've noticed that since I have been changing my perception on things around me, things have gotten better all around me. It pays to "live the dream".... what I mean by that is, I've just changed a few things I say. When asked how I'm doing, I either reply with "Another day in paradise" or "livin the dream" - and have been doing so for about 3-4 months. It catches peoples attention because its not just the standardized responce "fine, and you?" which is what most seem to be expecting. My regulars come to expect it, and often will reply in kind - ie if I say "another day in paradise" they say "Livin the dream...". Its Quite catching. I even had a random person in a local supermarket say it to me - cought me off guard, but was a very plesant surprise. I'm glad its catching. Creating our own reality happens in small ways - and changing our perceptions is what its all about.
Here's to livin the dream, Dear Reader. Today really is "Another day in Paradise".
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