I got to go fishing, my friend, in fact I just got back. The fishing was great, the cabin was great, the bartender was great, the food was awesome. The fish where small, the good times HUGE, and it has become my regular vacationing spot. Its 125 for the cabin, and then food and drinks are on a tab. so's fishing worms, 6packs, cigs, hooks, poles, etc.
The 88" big screen projection production of Pink Floyd was in Digi dolby surround with 8 - 10 speakers - aimed at me <3
I drank 14 coors, had a few smokes, and a hell of a good time. I Highly reccomend this place. Its amazing scenery features the mountain and river in a great screenning - its fkin awesome.
Highly recomend, and will be going back in late august. Come up and join us!
Its called the South Fork Lodge in Lowman, ID.
It has 8 rooms in a small hotel style. It also features 2 cabins - a 1 bed and a 2 bed. We had the 1 Bed, it its awesome! Remote control fireplace at night, with a swamp cooler in the day - and a great comfy couch, which is a perfect place to pass out after stumbling in from the end of a long day.
As we where moving our stuff into the cabin for the first time, someone side-swiped us in a light colored vehicle. We had borrowed Mac's Van (named "Mini") because it has air conditioning. it was on the side of the road, as far as it could get, and somne clipped it right above the drivers side rear whhel and the gas cap. I Flipped. We'd been in "vacation mode" for liek 3.2 SECONDS and here it was all fubar already. So I went and called the insurance lady from the bar, and she totally chilled me out, told me unles I wanted to get it fixed in Lowman (ROFL) not to worry about it - its covered under the vandalism part of the policy, and chill, there's no deductible. So I did, I had a beer, got directions fromt he bartender / concierge about a fishing hole that was private, but accesable and available, and drank beers and such and fished and Sascha even caught one! It was the most awesome time. There where dragonflys and hummingbirds and falcons and eagles and such, and I waded accross the "river" a small stream area that let into a great pool. Of course I had to wade in the current part to get to my fishing rig lol but I got it back. Being capricorn (goatfish) I absolutly enjoyed being on the rocks in the river. It was fantastic from start to finish. I think we left about 2 hours to early, however. We need to be able to just "go out, and fish..." as opposed to rigging all the lines, and untangling all the tangles, and touching all the nature, and stabbing all the worms that accompanies fishing with your spouse. I love her. <3
But serious fishing time is different, you know what I mean.
Anyway, if you come up, we should go. If you dont come up, I'll have to go without you.
They can hook you up with outfitters to go floating/fishing (pwnage! doing this next time!) and horseback riding among other things.
Did I mention the full service bar / concierge?
Its good times.
Thank you Ceiling Cat for everything!
I really enjoyed reading your post it made me stop and think how truly wonderful it was to go fishing and Laugh my @55 off when i got to take picture's of you in the river it was just great to take time to smell the Roses or Nature... But i Agree for everyone that reads this DO take time for yourself and your partner, Friends,Family just get out and live this Dream...
ReplyDeleteI love fishing and wish I could go to something like that, but alas, summertime is almost up already and money is on the outs! Here's to hoping I get one more shot to land a nice one!
ReplyDeleteWOW i live in Eagle that place sounds like what my family needs and it would make a great realxing trip. is it a good place to take your wife for her birthday? you got any other good places?
ReplyDeleteTo the Anonymous Reader in Eagle - it IS a great, relaxing trip. The drive alone is rated in the top 50 places in the entire country to drive. That's just going up "55" to the Banks-Lowman rd. Depending on your wife, your tastes, and your style, it could be just the thing for a romantic getaway for her birthday. I highly suggest calling ahead, and making reservations for a cabin. Its WELL worth the extra $ to not have to drive back down that night. The view of the stars up there is incredible. The staff is all wonderful, the food is superb, and all in all it is a wonderful place. I am so glad that my dear wife Sascha showed me it - it has become our new get-away.
ReplyDeleteIf you are lookig for a more "traditional" birthday outing, or something a bit closer to home, I suggest the Cottonwood Grille in downtown Boise. It's right on the river, you can sit out on the patio and people-watch, or enjoy the very nice decor inside.
But, for my money, South Fork Lodge is the way to go. Maybe just take a drive up there, and stop in for lunch, and gauge her reaction.